Participei do evento RMOUG Training Days que ocorreu em Denver de 17/02 à 19/02.
Para quem é acostumado com o clima da África, encarar essa temperatura foi bem difícil!
Na terça, foram 2 sessões no estilo "Deep-Dive Sessions"
1 - Error Management Features of Oracle PL/SQL com Steven Feuerstein:
2 - RAC 12c Optimization com Riyaj Shamsudeen:
1 - Oracle Database 12c New Features for 11gR2 DBA com Biju Thomas:
2 - Keynote sobre o In-Memory com a Maria Colgan:
3 - MySQL for Oracle DBAs com Dave Stoke:
4 - SIG Meeting - Database 12c com Rene Antunez:
5 - How to Fire Up Your Oracle Database with Flash Storage at the Price of Spinning Disk:
6 - JSON in the Oracle Database com Galo Balda:
7 - The Land of Five Bridges com Laura Ramsey:
Oracle ACE Dinner:
1 - SPM Examined:
2 - Exadata Oracle 12c New Features com Fuad Arshad:
3 - Extreme Replication: Performance Tuning Oracle GoldenGate for the Real World com Bobby Curtis:
4 - Low Latency SQL on Hadoop com Alex Gorbachev:
5 - Tools and Techniques for Advanced Debugging in Solaris and Linux com Riyaj Shamsudeen :
6 - Security Features in Oracle Database 12c com Biju Thomas:
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